Beth Cody’s research and publications In the News
If you are interested in featuring any of Beth Cody’s publications in print or online media, please contact the author for more information. Thank you for your interest.
(Click images to enlarge to readable size):

Journal of the North American Japanese Garden Association,
No. 10, 2023 (click image for article pdf)

Journal of the North American Japanese Garden Association,
No. 10, 2023 (click image for article pdf)

by Lynn Bartenhagen, River Cities’ Reader, October 26, 2023

by Lynn Bartenhagen, River Cities’ Reader, August 25, 2022

by Alma Gaul, Quad City Times November 7, 2021

by Alma Gaul, Quad City Times, October 27, 2021
“Gardens Through Iowa History”
by Veronica Lorson Fowler ia magazine 2022

Radio interview with Charity Nebbe, “Talk of Iowa,” Iowa Public Radio, May 12, 2021
Zoom talk “Iowa Garden Styles of the Past”
(link to watch on Youtube)
State Historical Society of Iowa “Iowa Stories” April 8, 2021

by Heidi Hohmann, The Annals of Iowa, vol. 80, no. 1 Winter 2020

by Michael Swanger, Iowa History Journal September/October 2020

by Scott Kunst, August 11, 2020, Friends of Old Bulbs Gazette

by Beth Cody, July 14, 2020, The Hawk Eye (Burlington)

Q-C gardens gone but not forgotten
by Alma Gaul, Jul 11, 2020, Quad-City Times (Davenport)

by Beth Cody, July 5, 2020, The Daily Nonpareil (Council Bluffs)

by Melody Parker, June 21, 2020, The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier

Iowans’ gardening boom is true to our state’s roots
by Beth Cody, June 14, 2020, Des Moines Sunday Register

by Kalen McCain, June 11, 2020, The News (Kalona)

by Alison Gowans, June 7, 2020 Cedar Rapids Gazette

May 7, 2020, Grinnell Herald Register

May 17, 2020, Telegraph Herald, Dubuque
Pandemic Hobbies: Iowans Going Back to Their Roots with Gardening
by: Whitney Blakemore, May 1, 2020, 13 WHO-TV, Des Moines
Iowa gardens of the past live again in all-encompassing book
Judy Terry, Special to the Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 30, 2020